From Third Person to Second Person; The Grammatical Shift of Faith
Year C • Proper 8 • Semicontinuous Track
2 Kings
2:1–2, 6–14 • Psalm 77:1–2, 11–20
Galatians 5:1, 13–25 • Luke 9:51–62
Falling Trees, Empty Woods
We have all heard that deepest of deep philosophical questions,
you know the one about falling trees and deserted forests. “If a tree falls in
the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a noise?” You wouldn’t
believe how many responses there are to this question on the internet. Lots of
people said, “Yes.” Lots said, “No.” And a fair number of people argued that it
all depends upon your definition of sound. Others simply said that it was a
stupid question.
My favorite response is from the guy who wrote, “Does it
make a sound? If you really want to know, set explosives to the trunk of a
tree, activate a decent quality recorder, and explode the tree. Play back the
recording and let me know whether you hear the tree say ouch or not.” When I
read that, I had a mental image of a tree lying on the forest floor, crying
out: “Help, I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up.”
So I wonder, how would you answer the question? Or, what alternative
question would you come up with? Or better yet, what question would the author
of today’s psalm come up with? Today, we recited Psalm 77. It’s a psalm of individual
lament, a psalm in which a lone voice cries out to God. But you may have
noticed that we only recited verses 1 through 2 and 11 through 20; that’s because
those were the only verses assigned by our lectionary. So what we ended up with
was the good parts version, the sanitized version. And what we missed was the
depth of despair that the psalmist expresses. But let’s look at that distress
in a little more detail. If you want to follow along, I would invite you to
turn to page 693 in the Book of Common Prayer.